Early childhood education

In Järvenpää, early childhood education services comprise municipal and private daycare centres and family daycare. Järvenpää’s early childhood education takes into account the children’s language and cultural backgrounds and individual abilities.

The daycare centres are open according to the child’s need for care between 6 am and 6 pm. The need for care outside these hours and on weekends requires shift care. You can find all the daycare centres of Järvenpää and their locations on the map here.

The application for early childhood education must be made no later than four months before the desired start date. If a child needs a place in early childhood education more quickly because their parent is starting work or studies, the place can be arranged earlier. The same principles in the time it takes to arrange a place in early childhood education apply to those who move to the municipality. Private daycare centres are applied for with each daycare centre’s own application.

Apply for a place in municipal early childhood education The application and instructions are also in English!
Contact information for private daycare centres can be found here

Early childhood education fees are based on family size, income and the number of hours in early childhood education each month. For early childhood education in a private daycare centre, the municipality grants the child a service voucher. In a private service voucher daycare centre, the amount paid by the family is the same as the municipal early childhood education customer fee.

The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) pays child home care allowance for a child under 3 years of age looked after at home. The allowance can also be paid for other siblings under school age of the under 3-year-old child who is looked after at home. Payment of the allowance ends at the latest when the family’s youngest child reaches the age of 3. The allowance is only available if the child is not in daycare.

Early childhood education service guidance also helps in English!

Mia Wahlsten, tel. 040 315 2567
